Qiubei Yunnong Agro Products Co.,ltd. Fax: 0086-876-4888565 QQ messages: 114469911
We-chat: johnchen-YN |
Gulfood exhibition from Feb. 19-23, 2024 in Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE
2024-02-17 MORE+Our company will attend the 134th Canton Fais from Oct. 31 to Nov. 4, 2023. You are welcome to visit out booth:12.2I43.
2023-10-29 MORE+We are looking forward to your visit(Anuga 2023)
2023-10-02 MORE+Spices from Yunnan province,China
2023-08-26 MORE+Please visit our booth:19.1M10 in May 1-5, 2023
2023-04-22 MORE+